Data preparation ================ .. note:: This section is under constant development. Its content will change and improve over time. Normalization ------------- .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np Let us generate abstract data in form of array of points (pairs of floats) bounded by a rectangle with sides of length 3 and 2 units: .. code:: ipython3 W = 3 H = 2 np.random.seed(1) data = np.random.rand(200, 2) * np.array([W, H]) .. code:: ipython3 plt.plot(*data.transpose(), '.') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_6_0.png In order to apply basic sums we first have to derive the complex number representation of data: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.preparation import real_array_to_complex .. code:: ipython3 data_c = real_array_to_complex(data) data_c[:10] .. parsed-literal:: array([1.25106601e+00+1.44064899j, 3.43124452e-04+0.60466515j, 4.40267672e-01+0.18467719j, 5.58780634e-01+0.69112145j, 1.19030242e+00+1.07763347j, 1.25758354e+00+1.370439 j, 6.13356749e-01+1.75623487j, 8.21627796e-02+1.34093502j, 1.25191441e+00+1.11737966j, 4.21160816e-01+0.39620298j]) Note that structural sums operate on a subset of complex plane being a unit cell (i.e. a parallelogram with the area equal to unity). Hence, we should scale bounding box and the data. Morover, scaled bounding box should be shifted to the origin of the coordinate axes: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.preparation import normalize_data .. code:: ipython3 w1, w2, A = normalize_data(data_c, W, H) One can check that the function returned periods of unit cell proportional to the original lengths: .. code:: ipython3 w1 * w2.imag, w1/W, w2.imag/H .. parsed-literal:: (1.0000000000000002, 0.4082482904638631, 0.4082482904638631) .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.show_disks import show_disks .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(A, 0.01*np.ones(len(A)), w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_16_0.png On the other hand, function ``normalize_cell_periods`` which returns scaled periods and the scale factor that can be used to scale the data. Note that ``normalize_cell_periods`` requires complex periods: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.preparation import normalize_cell_periods .. code:: ipython3 w1x, w2x, a = normalize_cell_periods(W, H*1j) .. code:: ipython3 w1x==w1, w2x==w2, a .. parsed-literal:: (True, True, 0.4082482904638631) Note also that if the lengths of the sides of the bounding box are not provided, the ``normalize_data`` function figures it out based on extremal values of real and imaginary parts of data points. Hence, the automatic scale coefficient and the output period may differ from the above ones. This behaviour is usefull, when we are provided with coordinates only, without any information about the original bounding box. .. code:: ipython3 w1x, w2x, Ax = normalize_data(data_c) .. code:: ipython3 w1, w1x, w1x*w2x.imag .. parsed-literal:: (1.2247448713915892, 1.2303484201624637, 1.0) .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(Ax, 0.01*np.ones(len(Ax)), w1x, w2x) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_24_0.png Regularization -------------- [TO DO] Poisson ~~~~~~~ Assume that we have completelly random pattern. .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.basic_sums import Cell, BasicSums .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.show_disks import show_disks .. code:: ipython3 w1, w2 = 1, 1j .. code:: ipython3 qmax = 9 cell = Cell(w1, w2, qmax) sums_indexes = [(2,)] + [(p, p) for p in range(2, qmax+1)] .. code:: ipython3 N = 256 np.random.seed(10) patterns = [np.random.rand(N, 2).dot([1, 1j]) - (0.5 + 0.5j) for i in range(50)] .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(patterns[0], 0.005*np.ones(N), w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_34_0.png .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson = [BasicSums(A, cell).esums(sums_indexes) for A in patterns] .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson = np.array(res_poisson) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson.mean(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([-6.73534493e+00-6.85838505e-01j, 1.12429746e+06+7.21233118e-11j, -8.09119105e+10+8.24778547e-06j, 6.31110807e+15-2.40904496e-01j, -4.99712773e+20+1.17624383e+04j, 3.97136959e+25+4.73732441e+09j, -3.15929260e+30-1.71719493e+13j, 2.51395972e+35+1.65042148e+18j, -2.00059950e+40-2.67949024e+23j]) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson.std(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([9.39936881e+01, 6.94431976e+06, 5.51104993e+11, 4.38657524e+16, 3.49121745e+21, 2.77845506e+26, 2.21116775e+31, 1.75969592e+36, 1.40040254e+41]) .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = 1 plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson[:,k]), 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_39_0.png .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 20)) for k, tup in enumerate(sums_indexes): plt.subplot(5, 2, k+1) plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson[:,k]), 'o') plt.title('$e_{' + str(tup)[1:-1] + '}$') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_40_0.png .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = 1 plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson[:,k]), 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_41_0.png .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = 8 res_poisson_copy = np.copy(np.real(res_poisson[:,k])) res_poisson_copy[10] = 0.5*(res_poisson_copy[9]+ res_poisson_copy[11]) plt.plot(res_d, 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_42_0.png .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.preparation import regularized_radii .. code:: ipython3 radii = [regularized_radii(A, w1, w2) for A in patterns] .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(patterns[0], radii[0], w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_45_0.png .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(patterns[10], radii[10], w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_46_0.png .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg = [BasicSums(A, cell, r).esums(sums_indexes) for A, r in zip(patterns, radii)] .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg = np.array(res_poisson_reg) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg.mean(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([ 3.16933109e+00+1.49275831e-02j, 1.97901593e+01-8.78395566e-17j, -2.50309956e+01-1.76022820e-16j, 7.87999363e+01-4.79041937e-16j, -2.47817891e+02+1.59840507e-16j, 7.74982714e+02-2.73951440e-15j, -2.41347750e+03+1.74931512e-14j, 7.65714672e+03-7.31309807e-15j, -2.50475199e+04+2.21614666e-13j]) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg.std(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([2.86191236e-01, 1.59002127e+00, 5.07241307e+00, 1.86463881e+01, 8.09375185e+01, 2.82116567e+02, 1.09898397e+03, 3.92697716e+03, 1.44629673e+04]) .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = 1 plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson_reg[:,k]), 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_52_0.png .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = -1 plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson_reg[:,k]), 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_53_0.png .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 20)) for k, tup in enumerate(sums_indexes): plt.subplot(5, 2, k+1) plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson_reg[:,k]), 'o') plt.title('$e_{' + str(tup)[1:-1] + '}$') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_data_preparation_files/tutorial_data_preparation_54_0.png