Basic sums as summary characteristics ===================================== Example 1: Visualization of dynamic changes of the system --------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: ipython3 import numpy as np Let us import example data. .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.examples import load_example03 A_hex, r_hex, A_sqr, r_sqr = load_example03() ``A_hex`` and ``A_sqr`` contain 128 samples of 256 equal disks of concentration 0.7 each. ``A_hex`` and ``r_hex`` represents arrays of the corresponding radii. .. code:: ipython3 np.pi*sum(r_hex[0]**2), len(A_hex), len(A_hex[0]) .. parsed-literal:: (0.7000000000000015, 128, 256) First samples of each set represent regular arrays of disks: hexagonal and square: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.show_disks import show_disks .. code:: ipython3 w1_hex = np.sqrt(2.) / (3**(1/4.)) w2_hex = w1_hex * np.exp(np.pi/3*1j) show_disks(A_hex[0], r_hex[0], w1_hex, w2_hex) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_9_0.png .. code:: ipython3 w1_sqr = 1 w2_sqr = 1j show_disks(A_sqr[0], r_sqr[0], w1_sqr, w2_sqr) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_10_0.png The remaining samples were created as an consequence of the random walk of the initial poisitons. Let us visualize the system after 10 steps: .. code:: ipython3 t = 10 show_disks(A_hex[t], r_hex[t], w1_hex, w2_hex) show_disks(A_sqr[t], r_sqr[t], w1_sqr, w2_sqr) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_12_0.png .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_12_1.png Hence, we have dynamicaly changing systems. They could model the stirr casting process [#KURT2013]_. Intuitively, as time of random walk aproaches infinity, both systems should converge to the same distribution (or very similar ones). Since basic sums describes geometry of such systems, the convergence should reflects in the values of certain sums. It is known that in both initial regular cases :math:`e_{4, 4} = S_4^2`, where :math:`S_4` is a :ref:`Eisenstein-Rayleigh lattice sum `. Morover, :math:`S_4` takes different values in both cases. Let us compute :math:`e_{4,4}` for each sample: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.basic_sums import Cell, BasicSums .. code:: ipython3 qmax = 4 cell_hex = Cell(w1_hex, w2_hex, qmax) cell_sqr = Cell(w1_sqr, w2_sqr, qmax) You can compute the results yourself (it can take some time): .. code:: ipython3 res_hex = [BasicSums(A, cell_hex, eisenstein_indexes=[4]).esum(4, 4) for A in A_hex] .. code:: ipython3 res_sqr = [BasicSums(A, cell_sqr, eisenstein_indexes=[4]).esum(4, 4) for A in A_sqr] or load them directly: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.examples import load_example03e44 res_hex, res_sqr = load_example03e44() .. hint:: One can use the ``tqdm`` package to track the progress of calculations as follows: .. code:: ipython3 from tqdm import tqdm res_hex = [BasicSums(A, cell_hex, eisenstein_indexes=[4]).esum(4, 4) for A in tqdm(A_hex)] Let us create a plot of the results. One can see that the proces of changes of the random structures reflects in the real values of :math:`e_{4,4}`: .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(np.real(res_hex), '.', np.real(res_sqr), '.') plt.grid(True) plt.legend(['hexagonal', 'square']) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_24_0.png Example 2: Summary characteristics of distributions of disks ------------------------------------------------------------ Let us load another example .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.examples import load_example04 A_norm, r_norm, A_unif, r_unif = load_example04() ``A_norm`` and ``A_unif`` contain 10 samples of 256 equal disks of concentration 0.5 each. Arrays ``r_norm`` and ``r_unif`` represents arrays of the corresponding radii. .. code:: ipython3 np.pi*sum(r_norm[0]**2), len(A_norm), len(A_norm[0]) .. parsed-literal:: (0.5000000000000002, 10, 256) .. code:: ipython3 w1, w2 = 1, 1j show_disks(A_norm[0], r_norm[0], w1, w2) show_disks(A_unif[0], r_unif[0], w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_30_0.png .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_30_1.png One can see, that the former samples represent disks of normally distributed radii, whereas the latter have radii drawn from the uniform distribution: .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) ax1.hist(r_norm.flatten(), 20) ax2.hist(r_unif.flatten(), 20) ax1.set_ylim([0, 350]) ax2.set_ylim([0, 350]) ax1.grid(True) ax2.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_32_0.png hence, we face two different distributions of disks. In order to characterize them, we need some kind of summary characteristics. Let us apply the following set of basic sums :math:`\{(2), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), \ldots, (9, 9)\}` as a set of summary characteristics of distributions of disks. .. code:: ipython3 qmax = 9 cell = Cell(w1, w2, qmax) sums_indexes = [(2,)] + [(p, p) for p in range(2, qmax+1)] Let us compute considered basic sums for each sample .. code:: ipython3 res_norm = np.array([BasicSums(A, cell, r).esums(sums_indexes) for A, r in zip(A_norm, r_norm)]) .. code:: ipython3 res_unif = np.array([BasicSums(A, cell, r).esums(sums_indexes) for A, r in zip(A_unif, r_unif)]) The following code creates plots of real parts of each sum: .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 20)) for k, tup in enumerate(sums_indexes): plt.subplot(5, 2, k+1) plt.plot(np.real(res_norm[:,k]), 'o', np.real(res_unif[:,k]), 'o') plt.title('$e_{' + str(tup)[1:-1] + '}$') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_39_0.png One can observe, that the larger order of the sum is, the greater difference between distributions it reveals. It is also known from the theory of composites that :math:`e_2 =\pi` for macroscopically isotropic composites. Hence, one can see that both our distributions are rather isotropic. It is known from theory of composites that :math:`e_2 =\pi` for macroscopically isotropic composites. Hence, one can see that both our distributions are isotropic. .. _sect-characteristics_points: Example 3: Summary characteristics point patterns and regularization -------------------------------------------------------------------- One can consider centres of disks from the above example as point patterns, neglecting their radii. .. code:: ipython3 k = 2 fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(9, 4)) ax1.plot(np.real(A_norm[k]), np.imag(A_norm[k]), '.') ax2.plot(np.real(A_unif[k]), np.imag(A_unif[k]), '.') ax1.set_aspect('equal') ax2.set_aspect('equal') .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_45_0.png In order to apply basic sums as summary characteristics of point patterns, let us first present the simplest approach, i.e. to treat the points as centres of identical disks: .. code:: ipython3 res_norm_points = np.array([BasicSums(A, cell).esums(sums_indexes) for A in A_norm]) .. code:: ipython3 res_unif_points = np.array([BasicSums(A, cell).esums(sums_indexes) for A in A_unif]) .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 20)) for k, tup in enumerate(sums_indexes): plt.subplot(5, 2, k+1) plt.plot(np.real(res_norm_points[:,k]), 'o', np.real(res_unif_points[:,k]), 'o') plt.title('$e_{' + str(tup)[1:-1] + '}$') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_49_0.png One can see, that :math:`e_{2,2}` distinguishes both class of patterns very well. One can oslo observe large values of sums and deviation of the values, especiali for ``A_unif``. This situation is common in pattern, where a very close points appear. Such a pair of points yields the difference close to zero, hence the values of :math:`E_n` can be very large, since each of the functions :math:`E_n` has a pole of order :math:`n` at :math:`z=0`. .. code:: ipython3 np.std(res_norm_points, axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([9.54853920e-02, 3.06705218e-01, 1.13712103e+00, 3.96363087e+00, 2.69872549e+01, 8.88881247e+01, 4.15380244e+02, 2.67842762e+03, 9.78122244e+03]) .. code:: ipython3 np.std(res_unif_points, axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([1.60139980e-01, 1.17750500e+00, 4.50692448e+00, 3.32374173e+01, 3.44128094e+02, 3.35543656e+03, 2.97933172e+04, 2.98269574e+05, 2.96228716e+06]) In order to obtain more stable characteristics, one can follow another schemme, where the pattern is considered as a marked one. in order to to this, we apply the *regularization* process, in which a set of radii (marks) is generated. For each point :math:`a_k\in A` we calculate :math:`r_k=\frac12\min_{j\neq k}d(a_k,a_j)` where :math:`d` is a distance in the torus topology. One can consider :math:`r_k` as the *nearest neighbour marks*. Module :py:mod:`basicsums.preparation` contains the function :py:func:`regularized_radii` computing the marks: .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.preparation import regularized_radii Let us compute regularized radii for each sample: .. code:: ipython3 radii_norm = [regularized_radii(A, w1, w2) for A in A_norm] radii_unif = [regularized_radii(A, w1, w2) for A in A_unif] In this approach, the pattern is treated as a distribution of disks of different radii: .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(A_unif[0], radii_unif[0], w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_59_0.png Hence, we can calculate basic sums for each pattern: .. code:: ipython3 res_norm_points_reg = np.array([BasicSums(A, cell, r).esums(sums_indexes) for A, r in zip(A_norm, radii_norm)]) res_unif_points_reg = np.array([BasicSums(A, cell, r).esums(sums_indexes) for A, r in zip(A_unif, radii_unif)]) This time, the deviations of the results are much smaller: .. code:: ipython3 np.std(res_norm_points_reg, axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([0.04815164, 0.22962557, 0.27581293, 0.40329808, 0.66573284, 0.89955487, 0.87183017, 1.64641344, 2.9807516 ]) .. code:: ipython3 np.std(res_unif_points_reg, axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([0.06233756, 0.32575137, 0.28875951, 0.60124032, 0.72054763, 1.4864379 , 2.69567961, 4.80540731, 8.41615877]) .. code:: ipython3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 20)) for k, tup in enumerate(sums_indexes): plt.subplot(5, 2, k+1) plt.plot(np.real(res_norm_points_reg[:,k]), 'o', np.real(res_unif_points_reg[:,k]), 'o') plt.title('$e_{' + str(tup)[1:-1] + '}$') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_65_0.png Poisson ~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.show_disks import show_disks .. code:: ipython3 np.random.seed(10) patterns = [np.random.rand(256, 2).dot([1, 1j]) - (0.5 + 0.5j) for i in range(10)] .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(patterns[0], 0.005*np.ones(256), w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_69_0.png .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson = [BasicSums(A, cell).esums(sums_indexes) for A in patterns] .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson = np.array(res_poisson) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson.mean(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([ 7.43803510e+01-3.32786887e+01j, -7.63239815e+11-7.80213066e-05j, 7.57274786e+16+1.16441814e+00j, -7.51395614e+21-3.48134672e+03j, 7.45563025e+26+2.41893146e+10j, -7.39775737e+31-1.44660313e+14j, 7.34033372e+36-7.23848718e+19j, -7.28335582e+41-2.67437777e+22j]) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson.std(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([2.37197330e+02, 2.28962306e+12, 2.27182197e+17, 2.25418678e+22, 2.23668907e+27, 2.21932721e+32, 2.20210012e+37, 2.18500674e+42]) .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = 1 plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson[:,k]), 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_74_0.png .. code:: ipython3 from basicsums.preparation import regularized_radii .. code:: ipython3 radii = [regularized_radii(A, w1, w2) for A in patterns] .. code:: ipython3 show_disks(patterns[0], radii[0], w1, w2) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_77_0.png .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg = [BasicSums(A, cell, r).esums(sums_indexes) for A, r in zip(patterns, radii)] .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg = np.array(res_poisson_reg) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg.mean(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([ 3.09909679e+00+6.97105417e-02j, -2.24978693e+01-3.77635105e-17j, 6.68322118e+01-4.52428521e-16j, -2.01918248e+02-3.22721685e-16j, 6.07481859e+02+1.44567732e-14j, -1.81014006e+03+2.01664255e-14j, 5.63754484e+03+1.53328129e-14j, -1.70439305e+04-4.07862527e-13j]) .. code:: ipython3 res_poisson_reg.std(axis=0) .. parsed-literal:: array([3.21408956e-01, 4.24840338e+00, 1.50153967e+01, 5.80584374e+01, 2.29771452e+02, 8.68856282e+02, 2.99968303e+03, 1.05832972e+04]) .. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k = -1 plt.plot(np.real(res_poisson_reg[:,k]), 'o') plt.grid(True) .. image:: tutorial_geometric_parameters_files/tutorial_geometric_parameters_83_0.png .. rubric:: References .. [#KURT2013] P. Kurtyka, N. Rylko, *Structure analysis of the modified cast metal matrix composites by use of the RVE theory*. Arch Metall. Mater 58(2), 357-360, 2013. doi: 10.2478/v10172-012-0198-x.